Saturday, February 15, 2014

Sometimes things just happen... xD

This weekend I have been spending time with my friends The Twins. They live roughly two hours away from me, and our work schedules do not always coincide, but when they do shenanigans occur. Why, because we are dorky awesome individuals. I'm said to see tomorrow because it means I must leave for him.

One is a fellow ace. The Twins's mom seem to have hopes that me and the ace twin will get back together... she wants grandkids. Apparently him and I are her hope. No one has informed her that neither him nor I want kids or marriage. So him and I got to talking and we came to a conclusion (bargain). We've basically become fake significant others (SO for short). Why? Because it can get some of his family off of his back and some people off of mine.

Win Win situation.

I'd be lying if I hadn't been considering this idea for a while now. I was surprised at how easy it was. And when I mean easy, I mean it took no time or effort. None.

As a fake SO he's better than my real exSO was. IDK what that says about me.. or him... or m ex. But it's funny. And I plan on useing this to ditch my once in a while FWB.

This is either the most brilliant bit of fun or the most horrible bit of fun. But still fun.

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